
The Grufti is the classic Goth who is aware of his traditions. When Gothic spilled over from England to Germany in the early 80s, "Grufti" was quickly given its own German term. Later, within the scene, people tended to call themselves Gothic because "Grufti" was a swear word back then. Today, people call themselves Grufti again if they count themselves among the traditionalists, i.e. those who dress and style themselves "like they used to".

In principle, the Grufti seems like the saddest and most melancholic representative of the black scene. According to the cliché, he likes to visit cemeteries to find peace. He reads books from times long past and has a soft spot for everything that looks old and dilapidated - including Gothic churches, by the way. The goth is peaceful and full of passive rebellion and feigned arrogance.

Generally, this is expressed with a fan. The goth appears aloof and is said to rarely laugh and really never act extroverted.

Typical clothing

The goth wears flowing robes - wide cut and high closed. Both women and men cover their skin. Sexy outfits are frowned upon. Together they wear spikes to go with their eerie style of dress and drape themselves lavishly with jewellery, often with a religious or mystical touch. Inverted crosses and pentagrams are the front runners.

Typical make-up

The make-up of goths is very light, in most cases even white. Hardcore goths lime their face, neck, décolleté, ears - and if visible - their hands. The word "whitewash" is not to be taken literally. In most cases, very light make-up or theatrical make-up is used. The deep black kohl line contrasts with the light skin. Some goths let it end in ornaments. The eyeshadow is also kept in deep black.

For some years now, people have been sticking gems and symbols on their foreheads and faces with skin glue again. Gruftis often shave their eyebrows in order to paint on more impressive eyebrows that do not look beautiful but severe and diabolical. The lipstick of goths is usually black as well.

Gruftis usually wear their hair long and wispy, often tied up with ribbons, and the sides are shaved out. Some ladies also use hats or even veils to cover the head and hair. Goth men wear their hair exactly the same way. More common, however, are hairstyles like those worn by wavers: Deathhawk, tower or plate with sidecut or undercut. If you want to imitate Anna-Varney Cantodea of Sopor Aeternus, you can go bald or almost bald.

Typical bands

The classic goth prefers classic bands: The Cure, Joy Division, Bauhaus and Christian Death or also likes Das Ich, Goethes Erben and Sopor Aeternus. He dances in slow motion and also likes to dance unrhythmically to heavy melodies, is always introverted on the dance floor and has his eyes on the floor.