Waste Disposal and Environmental Protection
We or our suppliers have complied with the reporting requirements of the German Federal Environ-ment Agency.
Batteries must not be disposed of with domestic waste. As a consumer, you are legally obliged to return used batteries. You can hand in your old batteries at public collection points of your place of residence or anywhere, where batteries are sold. Naturally, you can also return the batteries sold by us after use with the remark "Used Batteries" to the following address:
EMP Retourenservice
- Gebrauchte Batterien -
Am Stadtwalde 12
48432 Rheine
The symbols shown on the batteries have the following meaning:
- Pb = Battery contains more than 0.004% lead by weight
- Cd = Battery contains more than 0.002% cadmium by weight
- Hg = Battery contains more than 0.0005% mercury by weight

The symbol with the crossed-out dustbin means that you are not allowed to dispose of batteries in the garbage.
Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Electrical and electronic equipment may not be disposed of with domestic waste! You must separate spent batteries and accumulators from old electrical equipment ("old devices"), unless they are enclosed by the old device. As a consumer, you can hand in old electrical devices free of charge at a local public collection point of your place of residence or - in case of the conditions below - return them to us. If you buy a new electrical device from us, we take back an equivalent old device from you free of charge (1:1 taking back). Irrespective of whether you purchase a new electrical device from us, we take back all old devices which are smaller than 25 centimetres (0:1 taking back). If you would like to dispose of old devices with us on which personal data could be stored, you have to delete your data on the old device. We are not responsible for this. The symbol with the crossed-out dustbin means that you have to dispose of electrical and electronic equipment separately from normal household waste.