
Satanism is not a scene religion, but - like many other topics - an area of interest. The image of goths as Satanists originated outside the scene, not inside. In the late 80s, goths were accused of desecrating graves. They were accused of holding satanic rituals and associated with all kinds of absurd myths. Fueled by some murders committed by supposed members of the scene and circulated in the press as "Satanist murders", the situation came to a head at the end of the 1990s. The fact that the black scene is not safe from criminals either - like any other social group - did not play a role in the perception of outsiders.

Numerous media reported about satanic tendencies within the scene, which were confirmed in their eyes by song lyrics like "God's Death" by the band "Das Ich". Usually, a few young goths with an affinity for sensationalism were quickly found who got involved in the staged game and willingly expressed "shocking" views in front of the camera. In the end, however, all the theories about a connection between the black scene and Satanism were completely groundless and could neither be proven nor confirmed. What is certain, however, is that scene members - as part of a general interest in the dark side of the world - also deal with and know about the Satanic Bible and Satanism. However, this is out of curiosity and not out of conviction. Unlike in the mainstream, Satanism is not taboo. But it is also not celebrated or favoured. There are also no Satanic rituals on the scene side or events in cemeteries in which one could participate.