
An atheist is convinced that there is no God. Atheism is widespread in the black scene. Possibly this has come about through criticism of the church, which has always been a theme among Goths. The institution of the church and belief in God are two different things, but very often church critics are also sceptical about the existence of gods. Moreover, those who are concerned with the dark side of the world quickly ask themselves why a god would allow all these terrible things to happen. As a result, many conclude that "God" does not exist.

However, goths are not afraid of religions. Many like to occupy themselves with mysticism and with different religious world views, even with Satanism. In most cases, however, this is only done from a curious distance. Theory is very rarely followed by practice. There is something sinister about religions, because the struggle between good and evil is a theme in pretty much every religion.

This struggle is also a recurring theme in the gothic scene, whether in song lyrics, on stage or in films that are popular in the scene. As a result, it can be said that most goths are very much interested in religion, but do not necessarily believe in the existence of a god or several gods.